Essay, Research Paper: Romeo And Juliet New Ending

Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet

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New Ending Act V, Scene III Verona. A churchyard; the monument of the Capulets.
Enter Romeo and Paris. Paris This is that banished haughty Montague, That
murdered my love’s cousin, with which grief It is supposed that fair creature
died, And here is come to do some villainous shame To the dead bodies. I will
apprehend him. Stop thy unhallowed toil vile Montague. Can vengance be pursued
further than death? Condemned villian, I do apprehend thee. Obey and go with me,
for thou must die. Romeo I must indeed, and therefor came I hither, Good gentle
youth, tempt not a desperate man For thou nor any man shall prevent me from
being with my love tonight, Put not another sin upon my head By urging me to
fury. O be gone For I shall know not what I do but rather do what I must A
madman’s mercy bid thee, run away. Paris I defy thee! For thou hast done my
love great injustice. Romeo Her love is mine! Your love she shall never be!
[they fight] [Paris is slain] Romeo Forgive me good sir For again, I know not
what I do Inside the tomb of Capulet Romeo O Fair Juliet why must thou torture
me so For even in death thy beauty is paralleled only by the stars in the sky. O
Lord what great injustice hast thou done to thee For my love is gone And no
greater crime against me can thou think of. Tis our familes’ to blame Not us.
For they are blinded by tradition and driven by hatred. O but it matters not.
Soon shall I be with thee and soon shall I once again be merry, For to live
forth be not true life but hell. Only is life with thee heaven. And alas, A
choice have I, Heaven, or Hell? Ha! you must be jest, a question for the fools
is this. Heaven is thine choice! Fair Juliet, as this vile poison shall pass
through thine lips, I think not of death, but light, of heavenly divine That
shall greeteth me once I have gone And her name be Juliet. [Romeo brings poison
to his lips] Juliet Halt! Gentle Romeo, the lord call you not. For the death
that hast become me, be no more than a mask that I wear Romeo Can it be true?
Fair Juliet lives? O thank the lord! A love as great as thine can not be grasped
even by Deaths icy hand! For it looks death in the face and laughs! Juliet O
Dear love Tis true this occasion is a merry one Yet I fear happiness be here
not. Hark, something yonder is astir [enter Friar Laurence] Friar Laurence O
Thank the heavens a thousand fold For it twas the worst that I feared for thee
Lucky are you the lord be by your side But haste must be made both houses of
Capulet and Montague come hither And joining them be none other than Prince. I
bid thee, flee from this place of death For this godforsaken city bring thee no
justice nor righteousness, Fashioned were the walls of Verona to house the
devil’s minions And that it does. And so begone or thou shalt meet thy fate!
Juliet Dear Friar the lord himself be in you So good a man deserve not be in
such a place as you speak of So pray I for thee to one day be amongst men of
eqaul greatness And so Farewell good man Pray I our paths will cross in better
days [exit Romeo and Juliet] [enter Prince, Capulet, and Montague] Prince Good
Friar, Mistaken am I to say you know of the events taken place In this house of
death Friar Laurence Before thou can know that of the present Thou shalt learn
that of the past Romeo be husband to her Juliet Married them I did, and yet
their secret wedding day Was also Tybalt’s doomsday. And faithful wife Juliet
be was to wed to County Paris And then with incredible sorrow, Thou bid me
devise some mean to rid Her of this second marriage Or slay herself immediately
say she. A sleeping potion of thine own creation Was to be her relief Though I
writ to Romeo biding him to come hither To awake the sleeping Juliet this night,
Fail did he to receive it. So upon receiving my own letter back I rushed hither
To prevent the worst from occuring. Prince And what be of Romeo now? Capulet And
what be of Juliet, her body lay, did she wake? Friar Laurence …Slain be them
both Montague And by who’s hand? Friar Laurence Pass Paris’s body did you
not? Prince We did Friar Laurence As Romeo arrived to see his departed love
Followed he was by Paris whom was extremely angered At Romeos presence at his
fiance’s grave Challenged Romeo to a duel As fighting began Juliet rushed to
stop it the blade of Paris delivered a death blow To fair Juliet instead of
Romeo Enraged at the loss of his love Romeo Slew Paris then turned The blade to
heart of his own and ran himself through. Paris And where be the bodies of
Juliet and Romeo? Friar Laurence Buried, yonder Beneath those tress, Together be
they, in death and in life. Prince Capulet, Montague See what a scourge is laid
upon your hate The heavens find means to kill your joys with love All are
punished! Capulet O brother Montague, Forgivith thou for all the injustices I
hasth done to you And to all Montagues alike Montague And dear Capulet Realized
have I the error in my ways Punishment of any kind be fit for the behavoir such
as that That has been displayed between the twain of our houses Prince Go hence
then, to have more talk of these sad things, Some shall be pardoned and some
shall be punished For never was a story of more woe Than this of Juliet, and her
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